
Gaury Vedic Wall Primer Emulsion


We all know that human can live with comfort at a temperature between 20-25°C, but here in India specially in North we have summer for more than 8 months and winter in remaining 4 months. But unfortunately all our present building material like steel, cement, stone dust and pucca bricks are good conductor of heat, resulting our building absorb heat in summer days and release it at night which is our sleeping time and vice-versa in winter. Our building becomes heated chamber in summers and chilled cave in winters.


Progress of human being is directly related to progress of cows and other cattle. We have to attach cow again with modern economy. Think again why our ancestors lived in cottages plastered with cow dung. Cow dung is cheapest and best thermal insulator, enzymes present in cow dung are good binder, cow dung has antiseptic properties and also prevents from radiations. Cement concrete has completely eliminated cow dung from our buildings. Cow dung also prevents damage to plaster due to salts and humidity. No civil engineer, architect or interior designer will tell you this because they’re not taught about cow dung.


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